Monday, November 11, 2013

Getting down to the nuts and bolts

Hello again from Arrebita Team 7!

Last week was all about the construction works on site.

On Wednesday morning, we had a big meeting on site to assess the progress of the construction works and discuss any problems that might have arisen in the meanwhile. There were almost 15 people on No. 42 top floor: our engineering coordinators, Rita and Daniel; the Topdomus workers and engineers; Eng. Fernando Pisoeiro of Telhas Cobert, to make a demonstration of the construction system for the roof; Mr. José Castro, the plumber; and, of course, Team 7, eagerly following the discussion.

Wednesday's meeting on site
Eng. Rita Ferreira explaining a solution
Eng. Fernando Pisoeiro making a demonstration

After the meeting, we went back to the office to review the project according to the new circumstances – the truth is that, even though the project is ‘done’, there is always something that needs to be reviewed or updated in accordance to what’s happening on site.

The next day, some of us were again back on site to run some errands for the construction workers. In spite of the language barrier, Mr. Joaquim Manuel, the overseer, managed to convey to Filippo, Alexandra and Philippe that he needed nuts and bolts.

Mr. Joaquim, Philippe and Alexandra getting down to the nuts and bolts

The new gutters are now put in place and the workers have already started to lay down the structure that will support the roof tiles.

The workers putting the gutters in place

Here in Portugal there is something called “Verão de S. Martinho” – St. Martin’s Summer. It is said that, around the 11th of November (St. Martin’s day), there are always some sunny days. For this year, at least, the legend seems to hold true: we are beginning the new week under splendid weather. We hope the sun will keep shining for a few more days, since it would allow the construction works on the roof to move forward quickly.

Time flies by and we are already past half of our stay here in Porto. Applications for Team 8 are already open – if you are interested in taking part in Arrebita from January on, don’t forget to apply until the 17th of November. You can find all the information on our website:

Until next time... and Arrebita!Porto.


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